Paper types

We encourage submissions of proposals for the following types of contributions:

  •  Oral Presentations : "Research papers" and "Experience Reports" 
  •  Posters

Its typical composition should be summarily: motivation for the paper, objectives, what was done, how it was done and validated, major results and conclusions. 


1. Oral Presentations 

This submission type can include  : 
– Accomplished empirical or theoretical research with corresponding results ;
– or New developments in the given themes, employing qualitative or quantitative methods of either primary or secondary data.

a) Research papers proposals should explore a specific technology problem and propose a complete solution to it, with extensive experimental results

b) Practical Experience Reports proposals are expected to provide an in-depth exposition of practitioner experiences and empirical studies


2. Posters 

This submission type is an alternative format for freestanding research presenters. Poster sessions facilitate informal discussion and can be a more personal form for exchange of information.

A poster/demonstration must:
– Contain implemented information work about a subject;
– Be informative but also engaged visually and easy to understand.


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